Hi. I'm Hailey. I'm a 22 year old single mom to a perfect one year old boy, who I will henceforth refer to as "bubba" even though he has a very beautiful name. I was six months pregnant when his father and I broke up, so I've always been a single mom. When I found out I was pregnant, I had just turned 20. We had been dating for about six weeks, and I was four weeks pregnant. We tried to stick it out at first, but we're just different people. I was a miserable pregnant lady. My favorite part of pregnancy was giving birth. Seriously.
I bottle fed. I couldn't breastfeed, I didn't have the milk.
Bubba started solid foods one year ago this weekend, when he was 2 1/2 months old and then there was no stopping him.
He is a great big bundle of beautiful insanity. He sat up at 4 months, crawled and cruised at 6 months, climbed stairs and took steps by 7/8 months, and walked at 9. He slept through the night at 5 weeks old. He weaned himself off baby food at 8 months, and off the bottle and formula at 11 months. He goes constantly, from the time he wakes up in the morning to when he finally drops at bedtime. I never really felt like I had a tiny baby, because he's always been extremely independent. Except at night, where he just wants his mama. We co-sleep, and I don't want to hear your opinion on it.
I made the majority of his baby food (out of organic produce, usually) because it was cheaper and super easy. I'll probably post recipes.
He is cloth diapered, because he has freakishly sensitive skin. You try to use any kind of diaper or any kind of wipe on the kid, his entire diaper area breaks out in a horrible, blistered rash. Seriously. I went through EVERY KIND OF DIAPER. It took over a year before I caved and cloth diapered him, and I'll never do anything else. I love it.
We live with my crazy-awesome mom, who has been the best support system in the entire universe, and you should probably be jealous that she's not your mom. She loves being a grandma and getting to break all of the rules I set in place for bubba, because she's the grandma and I can't do anything about it. Unless it's important, then she listens. But bubba had his first sno-cone when he was just shy of two months old.
I'm a teacher at a daycare and I absolutely love my job. The babies are crazy and demanding. It's very fast-paced, exhausting work. But it's the first time I've ever been able to say that I love my job. This three-day weekend is killing me because I just want to know how the kids are. Really.
Two more things, that's it. The first is that I curse like a sailor, and I've very opinionated so if that offends you, please leave now. Thanks.
The last is that I struggle with horrible anxiety and depression. Anxiety attacks are frequent. Depression is constant. But I'm working on living life on top of the monkey bars, at all times.
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