Saturday, January 7, 2017

If you have one good friend.

I've been having a really hard time lately. Like, really fucking hard. Being a single mom is not easy. But having one good friend makes all the difference.

See, I have genuinely wonderful people in my life. I have the best mom, the best family, and wonderful friends. But there is only one person in the entire world that I can tell absolutely everything to. No matter what it is, no matter how personal, or embarrassing, or generally shitty.

It's not that she won't judge me, because she will. In fact, she's the person who will judge me the harshest. But 18+ years of friendship kind of gives her that right.

She gets to tell me when I'm being a bitch. She gets to tell me when I'm not being bitchy enough (not standing up for myself, etc). She also gets to tell me that it's okay. That I'm doing a good job. That yes, being a mom is hard and it's okay if I have a drink or 5.

We have immensely different patenting styles. But at the end of the day, motherhood brings us together. Motherhood should bring us all together. At the end of the day, if you have one good friend, that's the best thing in the world to have.

1 comment:

  1. Aw! Love you sis! :) I love that we are doing these blogs together. I feel close even though we are so far away. <3
